Friday 27 April 2012


Present Tense.

1.      Simple Present Tense
-          The simple present tense is used to:
a.       Talk about habits or things that you normally do or do not do
Eg: I always finish my homework before I sleep.
      The lazy boy never does his homework.

b.      Give instructions or directions
Eg:  Keep quite during the assembly.
        Do not move the furniture.

c.       Talk about facts
Eg: The earth revolves around the sun.
       Plants need air, water and sunlight to grow.

2.      Subject-verb Agreement
-          In the simple present tense, singular subject must followed by singular verbs. Plural subject must followed by plural verbs.
Eg: My cat loves to sleep on the sofa.
       Cats love to sleep.
-          In the simple present tense, third-person singular pronouns (he/she/it) are always followed by singular verbs.
Eg: He enjoys playing futsal.
       She collects key chain.
       It rains very often in Taiping.

3.      Present Continuous Tense.
-it is used to show that something is happening now or at the time of speaking.
Eg: I am writing a letter now.  
      She is walking to the market.
      We are eating in the canteen.

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